Our Meal Blessing Bib is perfect for all Catholic children! Teach them about gratitude for our many gifts. Made of food grade silicone in many different colors. Choose from English or Spanish. It can be cleaned in the dishwasher or by hand. Makes a perfect baby shower, baptism, Easter basket, or first birthday gift. BPA and Phthalate Free Food Grade Silicone Foldable Water and Oil Resistant FDA Certification Pairs perfectly with our new silicone Meal Blessing Silicone Placemats (Mustard, Bubblegum, and Cider colors match exactly) Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts, Which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. El niño Jesús que nació en Belén bendiga estos alimentos y a nosotros también. Amén. (translated: May the child Jesus who was born in Bethlehem bless this food and us too. Amen.) BE A HEART DESIGNS GIFTABLE PRODUCTS FOR EVERY OCCASION THAT BRING LIGHT AND HOPE. @BEAHEARTDESIGN
Be A Heart – Catholic Meal Blessing Bib | BPA Free Bib | Gift For Baby: Rose Pink
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